Back to School-The First 9 Days

back to school

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So, each year when teachers go back that first week, I pull out my back-to-school folder and sift through the random copies and try to remember what I did the previous year. Spending more time deciding than I do getting anything done. WHY do I do this? This is not new or confusing to me, so why is this HARD?

Does this sound like you? Below is my Canva presentation for the first 9 days with links to resources that are on the slides. Hopefully, this will give you ideas or you can add/replace loved projects you do each year. Unfortunately, some of the files were not free or I couldn’t find a digital copy of them, so I linked one similar.

I recently moved and the team that I am with now uses Canva or PPT to share lessons for the week. That way we are not doing every subject. I have LOVED this way of planning and seeing the lesson from a different perspective. Plus, each year you can find it and tweak it to fit your class. I decided I would make a presentation for the first few weeks of school to keep me on track when there isn’t really a routine.back to school

Here are the links listed by day in the Canva presentation linked above.

Day 1

Jitter Juice Label

First Day Jitters Worksheet

Day 2-

The Interrupting Chicken Poster

Reading Stamina Graph

Day 3-


First Day of First Grade Self Portrait

All About Me Poster

Day 4-

120 Chart and 100 Chart

Yes David! Craft

Day 5-

Addition to 10 – Math Write the Room

hopes and dreams

Day 6-

4 Corners Icebreaker

I Don’t Want To Be A Frog Worksheet


How I Spent My Summer Vacation Worksheet

Day 8-

Lacey Walker Nonstop Talker Craft

Lacey Walker Worksheet

Day 9-

Name Worksheet

Chrysanthemum Worksheet

Name Activity

Chrysanthemum Craftivity

Sometimes just seeing someone lay out their week or plans will give me ideas on how to work SMARTER not HARDER!  Share in the comments what your favorite B2S activity is. If you are reading this in the summer and want to get prepped for next year, check out my post about it HERE.


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  1. This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
  2. Beverly Prendergast

    What a beautiful collection of activities. Thank you so much for sharing these. As a 29-year veteran teacher who is moving from 5th to 1st grade, I’m relying completely on the Internet. Your read alouds and suggested activities have me excited to get started!

    1. The Primary Coach

      Thats great to hear! Thank you!!

  3. Suzie

    Wow!!! This is amazing and so generous of you to share! I’m moving to first this year and this just made me feel so much better!!! I taught first years ago so I’m hoping it’s like riding a bike 🙂

    1. The Primary Coach

      So glad this helped!
      I’ve been teaching first grade for 11 years and I feel like that every year!

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  5. Ms. Sanders

    I am looking forward to seeing new ideas to implement into my classroom this year.

    1. The Primary Coach

      Awesome! I post about once a week☺️ if there is anything specific let me know!

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