How To Write Sub Plans ONCE For The Entire Year

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Writing sub plans is almost more work than just coming to work, am I right? Sub plans can be daunting and take lots of time to create and prep. For years I had one template that I used all year. Of course, I still had to spend time adjusting it for the day or specials that came up. Plus it was trusting someone to teach my students the way I do. Most of the time I would have to reteach anyway. The subs were great, but no one can replace you! I have tried sub binders, emergency plans, asked colleagues and still sub plans were A LOT OF WORK. Let me show you how to write sub plans ONCE for the entire year!

Why did I create the sub tub? Picture this It’s the beginning of the year and we were going back full time in person!! YAY! Guess what? I got COVID and had to be out the first week of school. Did I have anything planned or ready? NOPE! I was planning to do it the week we came back before students started. PANIC! I am a fairly organized, hardworking, and liked to be planned ahead of time. When principal asked if I had emergency sub plans, you can only imagine how I felt in that moment. I knew I needed something else.

I decided to download a free sub binder and customize it with a class list, behavior and procedure page, important phone numbers, rainy day schedule, and a weekly agenda. You can download it here for FREE! I also have an agenda and each subject broken down with a small paragraph on how we do it and what to do. Basically, it just says a sentence about our routine then says pick a worksheet from the ______ section. You can grab a copy of it here. You will need to update the binder once a year with your new class information. Still seems like nothing special right? Keep reading!!

I have it organized in a file tub. Each subject outlined in the binder has its own file folder that is labeled. The binder goes in the front. During the week when I have a worksheet or activity that I didn’t get to, instead of putting it back in my file cabinet for next year (you know you will never use it), I put it in the right folder in my sub tub. Each quarter I clear out the papers so that the content is relevant. The beauty of this is when you have a sub, it is nice to have them review what you have already taught instead of having them try to figure out how to teach new lessons.

I leave my sub tub out at ALL times. That way when I have to be out for the day unexpectedly or leave for any reason, it is ready to go. I cannot tell you the relief it is to not have to plan for a sub. You can customize it however you want. I even have some fun games in certain subjects that they only get to play with a sub. Substitutes have loved it and my teammates are using this too! It has been a game changer!

Need the supplies for your SUB TUB?

How to write sub plans ONCE for the entire year

How to write sub plans ONCE for the entire year

How to write sub plans ONCE for the entire year

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