Transition Like A Boss

using music during classroom transitions in the classroom

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I was just recently talking to another 1st-grade teacher about transitions and music came up. She was telling me about how she uses songs during transition times, and I couldn’t agree more. When I was teaching Kindergarten music was just what everyone did. It was expected and it WORKED. I have even heard colleagues say they could never be kindergarten teachers because they can’t sing! Why does it have to stop in Kinder? IT DOESN’T! I have been using music in 1st grade for years.

Clean Up Song

Every year it might look different for brain breaks or the end of the day pack up, because I like to see what my class is interested in and find fun songs/timers/dances that correlate with that. I NEVER change my clean-up songs.

For short transitions like in-between stations, I use (211) It’s Time to Clean Up! (clean up song for kids) – YouTube . This is 42 seconds long and it’s very catchy. The second song I use is longer. It is about 2 minutes long and I use this after our morning tubs, the last station of the day, before lunch, after and art or science project, and any other time there is a big mess. This song is also by Harry Kindergarten and it’s called (211) Clean Up Robot (Mark D. Pencil/Harry Kindergarten Music Collaboration) – YouTube


I set up my expectations at the beginning of the year when I start stations. We talk about what we should be doing during the song (cleaning up, putting things in the right place, helping a neighbor, standing behind our chair when the song is over) and what we should not be doing (continue to work, not help others, putting everything in our desk unorganized). By the 2nd week, most students will start cleaning up as soon as they hear the song, some even see me go to my computer and warn the others ha!

They learn the songs and know them by heart, this helps them know when it is almost over and how long they have to clean up. I start with giving group points to teams that are cleaning up correctly. I have both of these songs saved on my bookmark tab for easy access and use them during every transition. Remember it needs to be done each time to set the routine. You do not have to use these songs, you can use whatever you would like. I like the songs and the times work well with the clean up expectations. YOU WILL BE AMAZED! Give it a few weeks and be consistent with using it, help them learn to do it the correct way and then sit back and enjoy it the rest of the year.

What are some songs you use in your classroom?



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